What is D.A.R.E.?
D.A.R.E. was introduced to Arizona in 1986 by eleven certified officers. Today over 200 Arizona law enforcement officers have been trained and certified to deliver the curriculum to elementary school students.
The Arizona D.A.R.E. program has assumed a leadership role. As one of five Regional Training centers, Arizona’s D.A.R.E. program provides technical assistance with training and program development for a ten-state region.
Know The Facts
- Drug abuse causes family problems
- Children who abuse drugs usually end up in jail
- Drug abuse results in diminished mental abilities
- Drug users are poor academic performers
- Drug users are poor performers in the work place
- In time, the drug user becomes a burden on society
- Drug users often resort to criminal activities such as violent crime, vandalism, robbery or burglary
- Drugs cause disciplinary problems at school, home and work, and gang-related activity
- Drug usage results in increased absenteeism
- Traffic accidents are often drug and alcohol related
D.A.R.E. Education
The D.A.R.E. program runs for 17 weeks. One day each week lessons are taught by police officers. Their street experience and authoritative position bring credibility to the program. The curriculum includes 17 lessons with five major areas of focus:
- Accurate information about drugs and alcohol
- Decision making skills
- Resisting peer pressure
- Building self-esteem
- Alternative activities
The 17 Lesson Focus On:
- Practices for personal safety
- Drug use and misuse
- Conseq-nces of drug use
- Resisting peer pressure
- Ways to say “No”
- Assertiveness: a response style
- Building self-esteem
- Managing stress without taking drugs
- Media influnces on drug use
- Role modeling
- Forming a support system
- Ways to deal with pressure from gangs
- Lesson review
- Taking a stand
- Student achievement
Children Learn To Say No…Effectively
D.A.R.E teaches kids how to be assertive and to deal with peer pressure by saying no effectively. Children learn and gain self confidence by acting out different problem situations. Children are taught to:
- Keep their bodies healthy
- Control their feelings when angry or under stress
- Decide whether to take a risk
- Respond positively when a friend pressures them to use alcohol or drugs
- Recognize forms of inflence form peers, parents and media