City of Coolidge Safe Routes to School Study


The Sun Corridor MPO in partnership with the City of Coolidge is developing a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Study for the City that will examine and assess the extent of potential road safety issues for school children walking and biking to school. The scope of the study includes the development and evaluation of options that will result in recommendations that involve the five E’s: Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Encouragement and Evaluation programs.

The study includes data collection and safety assessments on school sites as well as in the public right-of-way for routes that school children walk or bike to school. There may be recommendations made to the City of Coolidge for roadway improvements, or to school districts for on-site improvements that can be made to improve the safety of K-12 students walking and biking to school. The recommendations will be used by both local agencies and school districts to prioritize and leverage future funding. This study includes all public, charter, and private schools within the City of Coolidge.