

Residential Premise means a dwelling unit. Non-Commercial Premise means a fraternal, charitable, civic organization or church. The monthly charges for all residential and non-commercial accounts within the City receiving solid waste collection services from the City or its approved collection company shall be as follows:

Residential and Non-Commercial Accounts

Every residential premise is required to establish a residential account and every non-commercial premise is required to establish a noncommercial account.   Residential premises and non-commercial premises will each be supplied with a 96 gallon individual container by the City for twice a week pick up at the following charges:


96-gallon individual container

Once a week pickup


Delinquent charges



Setup fee



Non-payment container re-establishment fee






96-gallon extra or container replacement



Bulk trash special non-compliant pickup


Minimum $200 plus tipping fees beyond 1 ton.


A residential premise that is a fourplex and non-commercial premises may request a 300 gallon container in place of a 96 gallon container.  300-gallon individual containers with twice a week pickup is limited to fourplexes with a single owner and non-commercial premises as approved by the Director of Public Works


A residential dwelling unit located in rural or outlying areas may request a 300-gallon individual container with once a week pickup in place of the 96 gallon container.  300 gallon container with once a week pick up requires approval of the Director of Public Works.

Commercial Solid Waste Collection Services

Commercial Premise means places of business, commercial, professional or industrial establishments, all schools, apartments, motels or hotels, all mobile home or RV parks with centralized collection locations.


Charges and container sizes for commercial accounts will be as determined by the current commercial collection agreement between the City and its approved collection company.  A copy of the current commercial collection agreement can be obtained from the City Clerk. 


Customer Services and Billings for Commercial Customers will be provided by Right Away Disposal.  For information on commercial garbage collection service please contact Bart Powell, Right Away Disposal, at (480)983-9100.