Frequently Asked Questions
If my ticket is marked “Criminal” or “Criminal Traffic”, can I pay a fine without attending Court?
No., you must appear before the Judge to resolve your case if it is marked “Criminal” or “Criminal Traffic.”
What happens if I fail to appear on my court date for a criminal offense?
If you fail to appear on your court date for a criminal offense, a warrant may be issued for your arrest, and a bond amount established. You may be charged with the additional offense of “Failure to Appear” (A.R.S. §13-3904), which is a Class 1 Misdemeanor. The warrant will remain in effect until you are arrested and post bond, or you appear in Court and address the warrant with the Judge.
What if I want to talk to the Judge about my case?
The Judge will not talk about a case with any party outside of the Courtroom. The best way to talk to the Judge is during your scheduled court hearing or by attending Open Court, which is held every Friday from 09:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.
If my ticket is marked “Civil Traffic”, can I pay a fine without attending Court?
Yes, you can resolve your case by paying the fine prior to your Court date. If you are unsure what your fine is, contact the Court for assistance.
Can I attend Defensive Driving School to resolve my “Civil Traffic” ticket?
Maybe. Not all “Civil Traffic” offenses can be resolved by attending Defensive Driving School. To check your eligibility, go to the website: schools.
How do I enroll into Defensive Driving School?
Go to the website:
Where are the classes held?
To find out information about Defensive Driving classes, contact the Defensive Driving School directly. The Court will NOT have information about Defensive Driving School schedules.
What if I cannot get into the Defensive Driving class until after my scheduled court date?
Notify the Court about any issues with scheduling Defensive Driving classes.
Will Defensive Driving School take care of my ticket in its entirety?
Defensive Driving School will take care of one moving violation on your citation. If you have been cited for more than one violation on your ticket, you will need to address the remaining charge(s) with the Court.
What happens if I fail to appear on my court date for a “Civil Traffic” citation?
If you are charged with a “Civil Traffic” offense, and you fail to appear for your scheduled court date, the Court will enter a “default” judgement against you. This means that you will be found responsible for the violation(s) alleged on the civil traffic citation and the Court will impose an assessment and any fees pursuant to State statutes and City ordinances. Your failure to appear will be recorded with the Motor Vehicle Department, which may take additional action against you, including suspending your driving privileges.
My driving privileges are suspended by the Motor Vehicle Department for an unpaid ticket in your Court. How do I take care of it?
You must pay the ticket in full. The Court will then provide you with a receipt and the necessary documentation to take to the Motor Vehicle Department to reinstate your driving privileges. The suspension will not be lifted until the fine is paid in full.
What if I can’t pay the fine in full?
If you are unable to pay your fine in full, bring this information to the Court’s attention. The Court will work with you to make a reasonable payment schedule if you are not able to pay the fine in full on the day it is assessed.