Boards & Commissions
Citizen Advisory Committees are extremely important to the City of Coolidge. Residents who volunteer and serve two-year terms on acommission, board or committee are instrumental in recommending policies and procedures to the Council. Those actively involved through this process significantly impact operations of the City and our future.
The City of Coolidge has several openings for board positions, and is currently accepting applications for Planning and Zoning and the Personnel Advisory Boards. Positions are open to any Coolidge citizen and may be viewed on the City’s website at for more information.
If you are interested in serving on a Board, Committee Commission, fill-out the online application, -OR- bring in/mail the Board Application in PDF on the website or call (520) 723-5361.
Online Board, Committee and Commission Application (will launch new window)
Per Arizona Revised Statute 38-431.01 (J): All meetings minutes of any public body, written or recorded must remain on the City of Coolidge website for at least one year after the date of posting.
The City of Coolidge currently keeps Public Body Minutes available online for one year, plus the current calendar year. If you wish to review minutes that are not made available on the website please make a Public Records Request from the link below.