Defensive Driving School Information
Coolidge Municipal Court
110 West Central Avenue
Coolidge, Arizona 85128
Phone: 520-723-6031
FAX: 520-723-6067
You may have received more than one charge on your Arizona Traffic Ticket and Complaint Form. If you qualify for the defensive driving program option, it may be applied to only one eligible traffic charge. However, you must appear in court or pay fines for any additional charges you may have received, on or within ten days before the appearance date on your complaint. If you receive an extension to complete a defensive driving class it only applies to the eligible charge.
Refreshing our knowledge about defensive driving and traffic laws is an advantage. In Arizona, a person may obtain a driver license for life without ever having any instruction on these topics. There are many misunderstandings about traffic laws as a result. Defensive driving instructors are trained to provide education in these areas, and many Defensive Driving Program students comment afterward that they found the class valuable and believe it should be a requirement prior to driver licensing.
An eligible violation will be dismissed by the court. In Arizona, you do not pay a fine for a citation that is diverted through attendance at a defensive driving class.
Arizona law provides that if you attend a defensive driving class for diversion of an eligible violation, information about the citation will not be included on your driving record. Courts normally do not report dismissed violations to the Motor Vehicle Division, but even if they do, dismissed violations are not reported on driving records. This means you won't receive "points" for a violation when you attend a defensive driving class for diversion purposes.
Since the violation does not show on your driving record, completion of a defensive driving class for citation diversion may prevent an insurance rate increase. (Some insurance companies raise rates for your first citation, others do not.)
Students must provide the required paperwork and pay the class fee prior to beginning the class. All participants must provide adequate, official identification (driver license), and sign an "eligibility affidavit" stating they are eligible to attend.
All participants must conduct themselves appropriately and not disrupt the class.
Students are expected to be attentive and participate in the class while respecting the rights of others.
Outside activities are not allowed. Students may not read personal materials, engage in telephone calls, or be out of the classroom except for the use of restrooms, while class is in session.
All students must complete the entire class in order to receive a completion certificate.
You are eligible if you meet all of the following requirements:
You have not attended a Defensive Driving Class in the State of Arizona for dismissal of a traffic charge within the past two years (violation date to violation date).
Your violation is Defensive Driving School eligible. List of Eligible Violation Codes
Your violation did not result from an accident involving death or serious physical injury.
Your traffic charge has not already been set to trial or hearing.
How do I sign up for Defensive Driving Program?
Call 1-888-334-5565
For other options see the City of Coolidge website at
Click on the Coolidge Municipal Court tab.
Coolidge Municipal Court
110 W. Central Avenue Office: (520)723-6031
Coolidge, AZ. 85128 Fax: (520)723-6067