Public Hearings/Public Comments

Public Hearing Regarding Use of CDBG FUNDS


The City of Coolidge is expected to receive approximately $84,607 in FY2024 Federal CDBG funds from the Arizona Department of Housing Regional Account (RA). The City also intends to apply for $750,000 in FY2023-FY2024 CDBG funds from the State Special Projects (SSP) account. CDBG funds must be used to benefit low-income persons and areas, alleviate slum and blight or address urgent need. A public hearing will be held at 5:30 p.m. on June 18th, 2024 at the Coolidge City Council Chambers, 911 S. Arizona Boulevard, Coolidge, Arizona to gather citizen input on the use of the CDBG funds. Examples of possible uses include the following:


  1. public infrastructure (e.g. water, wastewater, street improvements);
  2. community facilities (e.g. parks, health clinics, libraries, senior or youth centers);
  3. housing (e.g. owner-occupied or multi-family rehab, utility connections on private property, new housing constructed by a non-profit);
  4. public services (e.g. paying the salary of an additional staff person to expand a Head Start program, purchasing a van to transport persons with disabilities, equipment and rent to start a new job training program); and
  5. economic development (e.g. a loan to a business for job creation, micro-enterprise development, acquisition of land for an existing business expansion).


For more information about the hearing, grievances, or the CDBG program or to receive assistance in formulating prospective project ideas for presentation at the hearing contact the following:


Mary Seils, Grants Coordinator

City of Coolidge

130 W. Central Avenue

Coolidge, Arizona  85128

Phone (520) 723-5361

Fax (520) 723-6067

TTY (520) 723-4653



Persons with disabilities who require special accommodations may contact Mary Seils at the above location at least 48 hours before the hearing.