Cotton Express/Transit
The City of Coolidge Transit Department operates the Cotton Express (local Coolidge bus service) and CART (Central Arizona Regional Transit – regional bus service). All vehicles are wheelchair accessible and operated in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act.
The Transit Facility is located at: 395 W. Palo Verde Avenue, Coolidge, AZ 85128
Contact us by phone: 520-723-7195 or email
Transit Manager – Eric Heet –
COVID-19 Update March 19, 2020:
Currently all Coolidge Public Transit services which include Cotton Express and CART, are operating normally and continue providing transportation for our community members. However, many of our popular stops have either closed or significantly changed their services.
Central Arizona College’s Signal Peak campus will be closed until further notice and CART service will not stop at the college for the time being (campus is not accessible to vehicles at the moment.) Buses will extend their time at our transit terminal and the Casa Grande Pinal County Complex stop to ensure buses stay on our standard schedule.
Banner Casa Grande Medical Center has significantly changed their visitation policy and has blocked our standard CART stop. Our service will stop as closely to the current stop as possible. If you choose to catch CART from Banner, we advice riders to wait for the bus on the sidewalk closest to Banner’s “Circle Drive”. For anyone planning to visit the hospital, we strongly recommend calling them at (520)381-6300.
Currently, Cotton Express is running at full speed and have plenty of availability in our Demand-Response service for those in town that need transportation. If you have any questions, please give us a call at (520)723-7195.
If our services experience any change, we will notify the public through our website and social media. We know our community is strong and will continue to move forward through this tough time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The City of Coolidge Transit Department provides safe, reliable, courteous and affordable public transportation services to address the needs of individuals in our service area.
The City of Coolidge Transit Department complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Service will be provided without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. To file a civil rights complaint, contact Transit Manager, 395 W. Palo Verde Ave, Coolidge, AZ 85128, (520) 723-7195.
Information about the transit agency, including information in non-English alternative formats may be obtained through the transit manager at (520) 723-7195 or
Información de la agencia de transporte, incluyendo la información en formatos alternativos no están en inglés se puede obtener a través del gestor de tránsito al (520) 723 a 7195 o