Online Resources
Access Pinal County Library District Databases
Databases offer a variety of online research tools that cover topics such as legal forms, automotive libraries, health data, general reference tools, and more. There are also some great resources that focus on career help and genealogy.
brainfuse HelpNow
Receive help with homework, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week. This site is not just for students. Adults can use this link for test preparation and job search help too.
Access local news on the web. Read about what's going on here in town and throughout the county.
Are you seeking work? The Coolidge Public Library is proud to offer resources to help you find your next job. ARIZONA@WORK Pinal County offers no cost career services, including job search assistance and referrals, training opportunities for qualified candidates, and more. To find a job, you can register for a free Arizona Job Connection account, post your existing resume or create a new one, as well as search for and apply for jobs in Pinal County and around the state. The ARIZONA@WORK Pinal County Business and Career Center location is in Casa Grande at 820 E. Cottonwood Lane, Building E. Casa Grande, AZ 85122. To make an appointment call with a ARIZONA@WORK Pinal County career planner, call 520-509-3555 or to register for ARIZONA@WORK - Pinal County events CLICK HERE! or scan QR code below:

Immigration can be tricky and expensive. Use these educational guides to help you navigate with confidence.