Coolidge Municipal Court
110 West Central Avenue
Coolidge, AZ 85128
Phone: 520-723-6031
FAX: 520-723-6067
Methods of Payment
The Court will accept:
Cash, cashier’s check certified check and money order
The receipt provided by the court is proof of payment
You are able to make an OFF-SITE payments at 7-Eleven and CVS Pharmacy (fees may apply):
Locate the barcode on your notice.
Show barcode to participating store and ask cashier to make cash payment and how much you want to make.
Keep receipt for your records, court is notified of and payments are posted within 15 mins.
Language Services Available
If you do not speak English, are hearing impaired, or require any other form of special accommodation, please let a Court employee know so that appropriate arrangements can be made before your court appearance.
Language services are available for non-English speaking persons.
Ofrecemos servicios de interpretation y traduccion para las personas que no hablan ingles.
Rule 122
You are not allowed to use electronic devices to photograph, record, or broadcast anything occurring within the courtroom or any individuals otherwise in the courthouse without consent. Violation of this Rule may result in a contempt of court citation and confiscation and review of your electronic devices. Rule 122.1, Rules of the Supreme Court of AZ
Presiding Magistrate
Senior Clerk