
The City of Coolidge provides Sewer and Trash Services for all local residents. The Finance department processes sewer and trash bills which are sent out on a quarterly basis. Customers can pay the entire quarter up front, or monthly if they choose. The City deems a monthly fee delinquent if it is paid after the last day of the month.  The rates will vary based on Commercial or Residential status. The Finance Department works along with the Public Works Department in providing you the best service possible.

NEW! You may choose to pay your bill online.  Click the link below to access online payment of your utility bill. This feature is available to residents who currently have trash/sewer service.  If you're a new resident, please contact City Hall to establish services.


Registered User Login

For more information you can contact:

Chelsie Richerson, Account Clerk
Phone: (520) 723-5361 Fax: (520) 723-7910

Applications in PDF Format: